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The Little Blog of the Angels

The path of the Angels that leads to Serenity

Develop your Artistic Skills

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Art is the best way to evolve spiritually speaking, to change your life, to express your free will, and to live life to the full. By developing your artistic skills, you can give free rein to your creativity and reach higher levels of spirituality.
We all have artistic skills and abilities but, we often do not exploit their potential for personal and spiritual transformation enough, which is a shame since it could radically change our lives.

Finding the right art

If you already know what art you are fond of, you should make use of it on a spiritual level and in a positive manner to further your personal development.

If you haven’t found the artistic creativity that suits you, then you should choose an art that could enable you to rid yourself of your stress and help you to reach higher levels of spirituality so you can change your life.

Either you choose the art that appeals to you or that you would like to practice even if you haven’t dared give it a try until now, or you can try a few of them before you make a decision.

Take all the time you need to make the right choice, to choose the art that suits you best.

And once you have made a decision, practice this art with conviction.

Creating in a spiritual manner

The first thing you need to do is promise yourself that you will use your artistic skills in a spiritual manner, that you will develop them to further your own interests, in a positive manner, and that you will help others lead a better life.

Remember this promise every single day and every time you practice your art.

You can also make up your own motivation motto and repeat it on a regular basis, even every single day.

For instance, you can repeat the following personal motivation motto with conviction: “Art is a way of reaching new spiritual heights. I promise myself that I will use my artistic skills for my own good and that of others.”

Every time you use your artistic skills, you should keep this spiritual motivation motto in mind. This way of thinking will end up impacting your state of mind. As a result, you will practice this art with a spontaneous spiritual approach.

Implement the law of spiritual attraction

If you find it hard to give free rein to your artistic skills in a spiritual manner, merely having the conviction that you want to practice your art to reach higher levels of spirituality will help you develop your skills naturally.

By acting in this fashion, you will program your brain positively and it will regularly bring you ideas that might help you to express your artistic skills on a spiritual level.

And when you practice your art (by writing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing…), make sure you do it with your own good and that of the people who have a positive state of mind in mind.

Artistic creation can be a formidable spiritual vector, one that allows anyone to express their desire to lead a more pleasant life, and to be fully aware of their abilities…

That’s why you should use your artistic skills as often as you can, with a mind at peace, open-mindedness, and the desire to do good.

Practicing the art you have chosen in a positive manner will give you the chance to be more relaxed, to reach higher levels of spirituality, and to transform your life.

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